
Do you have a set goal you are working towards? Check!

Are you getting proper nutrition every day? Yes, I am.

Are you following your exercise routine properly? You bet!

Are you consuming enough protein to meet your requirements? Oh, yeah!

Are you having your post-workout supplements religiously? Yeah.

Are you taking protein pre-workout?

… Wait, what? Whey protein and pre workout?

You definitely must be having a protein shake after your training session. However, you would have noted a few gym goers consuming protein shakes before jumping into weightlifting. And the question that may have crossed your mind is…

Is Whey Protein Good for Pre-Workout?

The answer is a resounding yes. What you need is anabolic metabolism (the process that builds up organs and tissues) to attain rock-hard muscles, and that is obtained when your post-workout nutrition is exactly right. However, for long-term muscle gains, what you have before you exercise is just as important. This leads us to our next question.

Related Article: Complete Beginner’s Guide to Whey Protein

Benefits of Consuming Whey Protein as a Pre-Workout?


There is definitely a lot of plus points when it comes to having protein prior to a workout. And here are a few;

1) Provides Energy For Your Muscles

Whey protein, in particular the BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) in it, provides the fuel essential for your workout. As you would already know, whey protein gets broken down and absorbed by the body at a faster rate than other protein sources, and this ensures that you don’t experience fatigue during your workout.

2) Synthesis of Protein Strengthened

An article published by the American Journal of Physiology found that the intake of protein prior to a workout augmented the synthesis of protein by around 33% during exercise. What this means for you is that it starts producing protein during your workout, and not after. And this prevents the muscle tissues from breaking down.

3) Helps in Tissue Repair

Your muscles start repairing after the heavy duty workout at the gym. This process is for maintaining as well as to build up those muscles. The whey protein consumed pre workout helps in the development process by directly affecting the Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC).

EPOC (or known as after-burn in layman terms) is the increased amount of oxygen intake that follows a strenuous activity. During this time, oxygen is used to bring the body back to its resting state as well as to fuel the body’s increased metabolism.

4) Increases Calorie Burn

When whey protein is ingested as a pre-workout shake, it increases the rate of calorie burn throughout the day.

5) Increases Fat Burn

If you consume whey protein pre workout, it leads to an increase in fat burning during a high-intensity workout or resistance training.

Consuming Whey Protein Pre Workout for Bodybuilders

Having whey protein before you hit the gym would ensure that you have enough energy to complete your workouts effectively. This is because the glycogen (the main form of storing glucose in your body) would be severely depleted (if you go on an empty stomach), and this eventually results in the body turning towards the muscles you worked so hard to build.

Another reason why taking whey protein pre workout would aid in body building is because it helps in speeding up recovery time and limits the damage that happens to muscles while exercising.

Related Article: Whey Protein With Milk or Water

Consuming Whey Protein as Pre Workout for Weight Loss

As listed above, going hungry to the gym isn’t ideal as it can make your workout sluggish and unproductive. Rather than burning fat, it would lead to your muscle tissues burning. But having any meal isn’t going to cut it. You need to have something that has high protein content, and this is where whey protein comes in.

Another reason why having whey protein before a workout is effective is because it helps in the burning of fat and increases metabolism. This in turn ensures that you burn far more calories – which successfully helps in losing weight.

Related Article: Best Pre-Workout Supplement in India

Do I Have To Take Any Precautions?

One of the first things you have to bear in mind is to have your protein shake at least 45 minutes before you hit the gym. Consuming protein too close to your workout session may not give your body sufficient interval of time to digest the food – which normally results in a few people puking while they train. And that is not a pretty sight, but it can be avoided.

Secondly, make sure that you are getting the right amount of nutrients throughout the day, and you aren’t exceeding the limits set by your diet. You can consume around 20 g – 40 g of whey protein before you work out, and the rest post workout.

Lastly, be careful regarding which brand of whey protein you choose. With such a diverse range of products available in the market, one can get confused. For a pre-workout, we would suggest that you buy whey protein with a large amount of BCAA, as it gets absorbed into the bloodstream directly to be used by the muscles.

Another thing you would have to keep in mind is that it would be better if the type of whey protein has at least a certain proportion in isolate form. Whey protein isolate has very little lactose and fat content, as well as is safe for users that have lactose intolerance or sensitive stomachs.

We would recommend MFF Whey Protein 100™, as it blends whey protein concentrate and isolate in the correct proportions. Another distinct benefit that this product has is the high amount of BCAA and amino acids present in it.

Depending on your goals, the protein can be consumed either with water (if you want to lose weight) or with milk (if weight gain isn’t a problem).

Now that you have the details, it is time to act. Bringing about these minor changes into your lifestyle will go a long way in improving your training routine, as well as will optimize your results.

If you have any more information to add, doubts to clarify, or wish to share your experience, please leave a comment below!


The author Risha

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