Nutriton To Make Your Game Better


Hockey is a sport that requires different important components of fitness for success. Components include aerobic fitness and speed which would be one of the most important attributes, followed by anaerobic fitness, agility, power, strength, and flexibility. The unique demands of the sport mean that strength endurance is just as crucial as explosive power. Careful planning is required to ensure that both muscular power and muscular endurance can be effectively developed alongside each other without leading to overtraining and fatigue. As always training is incomplete without proper nutrition which is required for the body to become stronger, recover faster, and react faster to the required movement needs during the games. Diet should always be planned by including the right proportion and intake of Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fats in every meal.

Learn How To Achieve Better Hockey Goals

Some General Tips on Nutrition

  • --> Eat minimum of three meals and 2-3 snacks meals per day.
  • --> Don't go more than 3 or 4 hours without eating.
  • --> Consume high protein nutrition/shakes post workout to repair and rebuild the broken muscle tissues due to high intensity exercise.
  • --> Plan meals ahead. This will allow you to select healthy snack items and avoid being stuck without food.
  • --> Eliminate fried foods, sugary snacks, processed meats, and heat-and-serve food items.
  • --> Make fruits, vegetables and oats your primary sources of carbohydrates throughout the day.
  • --> Restrict your intake of starches and grains to post-workout meals only.
  • --> Always stay hydrated as dehydration could affect the performance during the training session or competition.
  • --> Whether training in morning or evening, never train on an empty stomach. Consume snacks before if you train first thing in the morning.
  • --> Eat at least three times prior to an afternoon training session.
  • --> Try to avoid fast food which is high in fat and low in overall nutrition.

Diet Planning Tips For Hockey

  • --> Protein for muscle repair and growth
Protein contains amino acids which plays very important role to repair the broken muscle tissue and make them stronger to train hard for the next training sessions. There are two types of protein found in food complete and incomplete protein. Complete protein contains all the essential amino acids needed for the body to repair and rebuild muscles whereas incomplete protein only includes some of the essential amino acids needed for the body. MFF Whey protein 80™ is a complete protein with all the essentials amino acids which are required by your body and is also easily digestible making it as a preferred choice of protein.
How much?
Hockey players required good amount of protein every day. According to International Hockey Federation, depending on different intensity of training, players are recommended to use 1-2 grams of protein per kg of body weight every day, whereas 1.5 gram/kg body weight is the considered as the best result oriented average which should be consumed every day. According to Australian sports commission guide, women are recommended to consume 15% lower protein than male players.
So, male player weighing 60 kg should consume 90 grams (60 × 1.5) every day and women players weighting same 60 kilograms are recommended to use 76.5 grams of protein every day. In our day today busy life consuming one scoop of MFF Whey protein 80™ will help to fulfil 20-23 gram of good source of dairy protein every time.

  • --> Energy to train
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for any hockey player. Consuming the right source and amount of carbohydrates before, after workout and during the day helps to keep the energy level high to perform better during the training session or match. Non complex carbohydrates should be the preferred choice during the day and pre workout whereas complex carbohydrates should be taken post workout for slow release energy to remove the fatigue level caused due to intense workout. Myfitfuel™ Dextrose Monohydrate is source of simple carbohydrate which could be easily mixed with water and consume for before or after workout to refuel the lost energy.

  • --> Increasing Performance
Assuming the right intake of diet is in place as per the required body needs for a hockey player, there are still times when you want to increase the performance by taking the right supplement. Here comes the creatine which is being consumed by many sports players and athletes to enhance their performance in the game. MyFitFuel™ Creatine 200 mesh is a researched, pure and micronized form of creatine which could be easily absorbed by our body helping to increase power, endurance, strength and speed. Creatine supplementation may improve performance in high intensity, short duration (less than 30 seconds) activities, such as sprints. Creatine also helps you recover more quickly from intense workout training sessions, and helps you train much harder in next training session or game.

  • --> Hydration
Playing dehydrated will not only make our deciding making, endurance and speed worse but could also end up in injury through muscle stress. Drinking water after every hour is recommended and also drinking 1-2 glass of water 2 hours before training session will help to keep body hydrated during the training session. If intensity of training is high and period of session is longer than one hour, sports drink mixed with carbohydrate, water and electrolytes is recommended as it will rehydrate the body and refuel the lost energy of the body during training.

Few Important Tips For “BETTER PERFORMACE”

Although depending on individual strength and performance, there will be different tips given by your coach but there are few basic important tips which will always help to improve your performance.

Aerobic Endurance Training:- Aerobic endurance training is important component if fitness training in hockey. The duration, frequency and intensity of session in hockey vary with each form of training leading to different physiological adaptations within the body. Some important aerobic endurance training includes Long Slow Distance Training, Pace/Tempo Training, Interval training and fartlek training.

Flexibility Training:- Prior to exercise and just after exercise it is very important to stretch different parts of your body such as arms, chest, legs and shoulders. Stretching helps to increase the flexibility in the muscle helping to move and turn more flexibly when required. Although there are different stretching exercises but Dynamic Stretching seems to be appropriate for warming up before starting the exercise whereas Static Stretching should be done after workout when your body is warm.

Speed Training:- Maximum running speed and acceleration is very important in hockey. Strength and power training helps in increase the speed and combining it with sprints will be very beneficial. Sprints should be performed in 1:5 ratio (5 seconds sprint followed by 25 seconds recovery period)

Agility training:- Hockey is game where you have to quickly change you movements, so proper agility training helps you to change movement easily during the game without the loss of speed, body movement and body control. There are different important agility training exercise such as lateral plyometric jumps, shuttle runs, speed ladder agility drills, dot drills and plyometric agility hurdles.

Strength Training:- Strength training plays an important role in hockey. Strength training helps to increase the speed, power, strength endurance and overall sports performance. Squats and other weight lifting exercise are used to increase the muscle strength. It is important to perform the weight training exercises under the supervision of coach to do the specific training required for hockey players.