Running tips differentiate for ever individual specifically depending on your running goals, age etc. but there are few important common tips for every runner.
-> Make a running plan:- whether you are a beginner or a professional, everyone needs a plan and plan helps to focus and achieve right goals in right period of time. If you are beginner running first time never run fast or longer than 20 minutes as these are major cause of injury. Plan you run, run 3-4 times a week at start for 20 minutes and gradually increase it every week. If you are professional plan your next goal at level higher than that of current goal.
-> Sleep enough:- Training without proper sleep will never show the progressive results. Having a proper sleep is very important to perform at full potentials during running. Proper sleeps also helps you to concentrate better on your goal and removes fatigue caused by previous running sessions.
-> 2 hours rule:- After your small meal, wait for at least for 2 hours before you start running. But if you have heavy meal which is high in fat and protein then wait for at least 3 hours before you start running.
-> Warming up and cooling down:- Warming up is as important as cooling down. Running without warming up may lead to injury, so warming up prepares your body for exercise by gradually increasing blood flow and raising core muscle temperature. Cooling down on the other hand also helps to reduce injury as stopping abruptly can cause leg cramps, dizziness and fainting.
-> Don’t just run:- Research has shown combining different activities such as weight training and cross training will help you become stronger runner than one who only runs and does not combines other training activities.