Nutriton To Make Your Game Better


Like other fitness activities running is one of the most preferred fitness activities by many individuals of different age groups. Some run for fun, some run to stay fit, for a charity cause, or some run to bring medals for our country. Whatever your running goals are it is very important to take the right nutrition and train in the right way to achieve your goals. Extra fat on your body and weak muscles reduces your stamina and performance making you not run and perform as per your required goals. So whether you are running to sprint or running long distances for marathons or short distances for journal fitness/reducing fat, it is important to understand that not taking the right amount of protein and carbohydrates might affect your body adversely leading to a decrease in your overall performance.

Learn How To Achieve Better Running Goals

Some General Tips on Nutrition

-> More regular meals:- It is important to have regular small meals after every 3-4 hours than having one big meal. This helps to keep your metabolism running and energy level high. So there should be 5-8 small meals taken every day.
Complex carbohydrates- For runners looking to run long distance it is very important to eat complex carbohydrates like whole bread , vegetables and potatoes. These foods provide slow and steady fuel helping to finish the long run race. Whereas some who is running to reduce fat and journal fitness should control intake of complex carbohydrate foods.

-> Glucose drinks:- Consume little amount of glucose and electrolyte drinks within 15 minutes after finishing your run. Consuming within 15 minutes time frame will best be absorbed by muscle looking for fuel source

-> Protein:- It is very important to consume right amount of protein for both tendon and muscle repair. The more often you run and further distance you run, the more muscle repair will be required for your broken muscle tissues. Hence, protein is required for every runner to make your muscles stronger for next running session.

-> Fats:- Fats are important for the long distance runners where fat provides energy during the long running session. Monusaturated fats such as olive oil, flax seeds oil, canola oil and avocados are the healthiest fats to consume. It is healthier for runners to obtain their fat calories from these sorts of fats and oils that from unhealthy options such as deep fried food.

-> Water:- staying hydrated is very important for runner who is going to sweat more than average. Water should be consumed evenly throughout the day to keep fluid levels up and your body evenly hydrated. Dehydration could decrease your running distance or speed hence reducing overall performance.

-> Snacks:- Once you start running on regular basis you will notice that your metabolism starts to run a bit faster, which means you have started to burn more calories. This is great news for those who want’s to reduce weight. But whether you want to reduce weight/fat or not, as your metabolism increases you will feel more hungry and you will be tempted to eat any food which comes in front of you. So it is important to plan your snacks, Protein shakes are good alternatives which can also help to make you muscles stronger.

-> Counting calories:- Image if you ran and burned 300 calories from a great running session but after that you end up eating 500 calories, this will never let you achieve fat/weight loss if that is your goal. And on the other hand if you are long distance marathon runner and only ate half the amount of required calories then you can’t achieve you marathon goals. So, it’s important to understand your goals and count and consume the required calories to achieve your goals.

-> Pre training nutrition:- One to two hours before you run you should consume one to two glass of water plus 25 to 30 grams of carbohydrates. This will help to boost the energy level at the time you are about to start running helping you to concentrate and run better. Alternatively you can combine water with carbohydrate powder like MFF Dextrose Monohydrate to make a simple energy drink.

Diet Planning Tips For Running

  • -> Protein for muscles repair and growth
Protein is what keeps your body healthy under any strain. Taking right amount of protein helps in muscle growth and speeds recovery by helping rebuild the muscle fibre stressed during a run. So runners consuming required amount are less likely to get injured.
How much?
Total intake of protein depends on many factors like your body weight and intense level of your activity. According to Australian sports commission guide, an average male runner pushing hard with different intensity level to perform better is suggested to consume 1-2 to 1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight every day. Whereas women runner is suggested to consume 15% lower protein than male total protein consumption.
Therefore a male runner weighing 70 kg should consume (70 × 1.2-1.5) 84 gram- 105 gram protein every day and women runner should consume 15% lower of male runner total protein diet. MFF Whey protein 80 is dairy source protein for runner who is looking to fulfil their protein diet.

  • -> Energy to train and Recovery for growth
Carbohydrates provide energy to run longer or to sprint faster. Lack of required carbohydrates might lead to low energy level leading to low performance. Carbohydrate intake should be divided into different small meals helping to keep the energy level high during the run and for proper recovery from fatigue after running. Dextrose Monohydrate is a simple and easy source of high carbohydrate nutrition for pre and post workout helping to boost the required energy level and reducing the post workout fatigue from High intense training sessions. It can be easily mixed with water to consume high carbohydrate nutrition before, during or after workout. Also consuming right protein post running will fuel muscle to repair and rebuild the broken muscle tissues and make them stronger for next performance.

  • -> Hydration
This is another important point which is missed by many runners. Not taking the right amount of water could lead to dehydration and hence affect the overall performance by reducing the speed or distance covered during a run. So, it is important to consume water after every short interval of 1 hour and post running water with carbohydrates and electrolytes should be consumed with 15 minutes after finishing the run to refuel the energy level.

Few Important Tips For “BETTER PERFORMACE”

Running tips differentiate for ever individual specifically depending on your running goals, age etc. but there are few important common tips for every runner.

-> Make a running plan:- whether you are a beginner or a professional, everyone needs a plan and plan helps to focus and achieve right goals in right period of time. If you are beginner running first time never run fast or longer than 20 minutes as these are major cause of injury. Plan you run, run 3-4 times a week at start for 20 minutes and gradually increase it every week. If you are professional plan your next goal at level higher than that of current goal.

-> Sleep enough:- Training without proper sleep will never show the progressive results. Having a proper sleep is very important to perform at full potentials during running. Proper sleeps also helps you to concentrate better on your goal and removes fatigue caused by previous running sessions.

-> 2 hours rule:- After your small meal, wait for at least for 2 hours before you start running. But if you have heavy meal which is high in fat and protein then wait for at least 3 hours before you start running.

-> Warming up and cooling down:- Warming up is as important as cooling down. Running without warming up may lead to injury, so warming up prepares your body for exercise by gradually increasing blood flow and raising core muscle temperature. Cooling down on the other hand also helps to reduce injury as stopping abruptly can cause leg cramps, dizziness and fainting.

-> Don’t just run:- Research has shown combining different activities such as weight training and cross training will help you become stronger runner than one who only runs and does not combines other training activities.