- Acts as a fuel for our muscles which helps to achieve our strength, speed, endurance and other sport and general fitness goals.
- Helps muscles to recover and repair more quickly after exercise.
- Are macronutrients made up of small molecules called amino acids.
- Amino acids are building blocks of protein and there are 20 naturally occurring amino acids.
- Our body can only synthesize (itself make) 11 amino acids and rest 9 amino acids are known as Essential Amino Acids.
- Because of different reasons where we cannot complete our required amino acids and protein diet easily we consume powdered protein such as Whey, Egg, Soya and other vegetable proteins.
Like we have fuel made to run our cars, same way we have proteins which acts as a fuel for our muscles. Protein helps our muscles to recover and repair more quickly after exercise. And muscles are like living matters that are key to better sports and physical performance, healthy heart, weight management through 24/7 calorie burning ability, and many more health benefits.
Proteins are the macronutrients made up of small molecules called amino acids. Amino acids are building blocks of protein and there are 20 naturally occurring amino acids. Imagine it these way Amino acids are like building bricks and when they combine together in different sequence they form a house called protein.
Some amino acid names which are very commonly used include Lysine, Glutamine, and Tryptophan. Although all amino acids are important for muscle growth and maintenance, but our body can only synthesize (itself make) 11 amino acids and rest 9 amino acids are known as Essential Amino Acids [EAA]. These EAA cannot be synthesized by our body so need to be taken from external source such as high protein food. There are different food’s which contains different amino acids but any single food which provides all these 9 EAA’s are known as a complete protein.
Complete source protein also called as high quality protein includes food such as meat, poultry, fish, soya bean, milk, eggs, and cheese. Because of different reasons where we cannot complete our required amino acids and protein diet easily we consume powdered protein such as Whey, Egg, Soya and other vegetable proteins. These proteins are scientifically tested and concentrated to fulfill the same amino acids needs as required by our body for muscle repair and growth.
- Nordqvist, C. (2010, July 29). "What Are Proteins? What Is A Protein? How Much Protein Do I Need?." Medical News Today. Retrieved from,
- Haas, E. (1992) Staying healthy with nutrition. Berkley: Celestial Arts, Page 40-58.
- Holford, P. (2004) The new optimum nutrition bible. Berkley/Toronto: Crossing Press, Page 231-235, 256.
- Gov. CDC (Centre of control Disease and Prevention), Protein, Retrived from- Nutrition for Everyone: Protein,
- Edward. P, 2012, Build your core muscles for a healthier, more active future, Retrived from:- Heathebeat Harvard Medical School.
- Animal milk makes up around 20% of whey protein and rest 80% Casein.
- Loaded with 9 EAA’s and other non essential Amino Acids
- Includes BCAA which are vital for preventing muscle loss during Intense training
- Known as "Fast" Protein because it gets digested quickly.
- Vegetarian Source of protein.
Whey protein is one of the complete protein sources which are being utilized by athletes, strength trainers, physique competitors, players in sports like football, cricketer, boxing, cycling, hockey, rugby, and even general health/fitness enthusiasts.
The term "whey" actually refers to milk derived substances which are made up of a combination of protein, lactose and minerals with very small amount of fat. Of 100% animal milk whey protein makes up around 20% of its protein content and rest 80% is Casein. (1)
Whey Protein has a full Spectrum of 9 essentials amino acids (EAA) and other non essentials amino acids, including branched chain amino acids (BCAA). BCAA includes leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are critical to prevention of muscle loss during intense training. (2)
Whey protein is now known as "fast" protein source which means it gets digested very quickly. So, they quickly get amino acids, building blocks of muscle tissue into muscles and make them ready during training or after workout.
- Loren. S. Ward (2005), Advance in nutrition and health, Page 8-10, 24-28, Nutrition and Food Science,
- Shilstone. M (2011) , Lean and Hard: The Body You've Always Wanted in Just 24 Workouts, Page 30-35, John Wiley & Sons,
- Brik. W (2006), Report- How Whey Promotes Weight Loss, Accessed publishing -Lee magazines.
- Makes up 80% of protein content in animal milk.
- Ability to supply slow and steady supply of amino acids for long hours.
- Also Known as "Night Protein".
- When combines with whey protein yields greatest fat free, lean mass
- Increases metabolism leading to increase in fat loss.
- Helps to increase strength due to its anti catabolic abilities.
- Vegetarian source of protein.
Casein Protein makes up 80% of the protein content in animal milk. One of the greatest strength of Casein is its timing. This protein has ability to provide long hours, slow and steady supply of amino acids into to our bloodstream. This protein is ideally known as the night protein consumed right before bed and is considered better than whey protein during night due to its long digestion cycle specially during sleep.
Whey Protein when combines with casein protein is known to yield the greatest increase in fat free, lean muscle mass. Because of its slow digestion ability casein protein increases the metabolism of our body during sleep which helps to increase the fat loss process leading better overall fat balance. (1)
Increasing strength is almost into everyone’s mind. According to Massachusetts study, (2) researchers found because of casein’s well-known anti-catabolic abilities it actually doubled the effect that whey protein had on legs, chest, and shoulder strength results. So if you are looking out for any snacks, why not pick up casein.
- DeMedeiros. M , 5 Benefits of Casein Protein, Thinking of adding casein protein to your supplement regimen? Here's five reasons why you should. Accessed Source:-
- Demling RH, DeSanti L (2000), Effect of a hypocaloric diet, increased protein intake and resistance training on lean mass gains and fat mass loss in overweight police officers, Ann Nutr Metab. 44(1):21-9.
- Lemuel W. Taylor (2012), Nutritional Guidelines for Athletic Performance: The Training Table, Page 108-110, CRC Press.
- It is a combination of 20% Whey Protein and 80% casein.
- Most carbohydrates and fats removed.
- Second Best choice for "Night Protein" after Casein.
- Benefits as both "fast" and "slow" digesting protein.
- Vegetarian source of protein.
Milk Protein is also among a commonly known protein. It is another refined form of milk powder which has 20% whey protein and 80% Casein protein, made after removing most percentage of carbohydrates and fats.
Milk protein also preferred as second best choice for "Night Protein" after casein protein due to it fast and slow digestion protein. So, milk protein acts in middle by providing both benefits of fast digesting whey protein and slow digesting casein.
- Bosze. Z (2007), Bioactive Components of Milk, Page 297-300, Publisher- Springer.
- Mostly extracted from pure egg white.
- Contains full Spectrum of amino acids.
- Rich in one essential BCAAs element "Luceine".
- Second Highest Biological Value after whey Protein.
- Good alternative to one allergic to dairy and Lactose products.
- Cholesterol and Fat free.
Egg protein are mostly extracted from pure egg whites but yolk itself also has many benefits as they are packed with riboflavin, vitamins B6, B12, D, and E, and iron, phosphorus, and zin c.
Egg protein contains full spectrum of amino acids and is very rich source of an essential BCAA element "Luceine", which is very important for preventing muscle loss. Egg protein has second highest biological values after whey protein and they are also known to be more anabolic that soya and wheat protein. Finally egg protein is considered as good alternative to any one allergic to dairy product, lactose and looking for cholesterol and fat free source of high quality protein.
- Campbell. A (2010), 8 Foods that Pack on Muscle, Accessed on-
- Lockwood. Chris (2011), Is egg protein (as a supplement) a way to hatch new growth, or will it leave your physique cracked?, Accessed Source-
- Ryan. R (2008), Dialed in, Publisher- Lulu, Page 48-49
- Vegetarian Source extracted from soya beans.
- Soya protein Isolate contains appox. 90% Protein
- Highly digestible sources of good essential amino acids (EAAs).
- Low in fat, calories and cholesterol
Soya protein is another "vegetarian" protein which is extracted from soya bean and if you are allergic to dairy or egg then this is best alternative for very high quality protein. Soya protein isolates contains approximately 90% protein and these are highly digestible source of protein along with very good source of Essential Amino Acids (the building blocks of proteins) which are required for muscles growth, maintenance or physical stress.
Soya protein is low in fat, calories and cholesterol and thus helps to maintain the fat percentage of the body.
- Endres. J. G (2001), Soy Protein Products: Characteristics, Nutritional Aspects, and Utilization, Page 10-19, Publisher - The American Oil Chemists Society.
- Ryan. R (2008), Dialed in, Publisher- Lulu, Page 48-49
- One powder with several sources of proteins such as whey, casein, soya, whole milk or egg.
- Blended depending on goals with different time release of amino acids.
- Brings together both Anabolic (muscle building) and Anti catabolic state (muscle maintenance).
- Extended time release periods of amino acids helps in continous supply for muscle repair and recovery.
- Helps in optimal protein synthesis.
- Protein blends can be used between meals, post workout or before bed.
Blended proteins are blends packed in different quantities with different sources of proteins such as whey, casein, soya, whole milk or egg. There are different types of blends which are being sold depending on the time release of amino acids and their benefits. But most important is to understand how a particular blend will help in achieving your goal?
The different time release of amino acid helps muscles to get the continuous fuel to repair, recover and make them stronger. Although there are many benefits depending on the composition of blends but few basic includes optimal protein synthesis, high levels of amino Acids, extended release time, continuous absorption, Anabolic state(muscle building), Anti catabolic state (muscle maintenance), easily digested etc. Also depending on the combination of different protein sources used to manufacture the protein blends, they can be used between meals, post workout or before bed.

- Dente. G (2010), Hopkins. K. J (), Macrobolic Nutrition, Chapter- 3, Publisher- Read How You Want.

- WPC is dried and concentrated from "Whey" (Liquid material created as by-product of cheese production).
- Available from 29% to 89% protein concentrate. Although the high end typically used in nutritional industry.
- WPC 70 and WPC 80 are the most common forms used within sports supplement industry.
- Higher the protein percentage content lower is percentage of fats, lactose, minerals and other bioactive components.
- Whey protein itself has excellent Amino Acids profile and high biological value.
Whey protein concentrate (WPC) is the one of the most common athletic supplement available in the market. "Whey" created as by-product liquid of cheese production from milk, which is dried and concentrated to form WPC and then WPC is further filtered and purified to form Whey protein isolate (WPI) and whey protein Hydrolyzes (WPH). Whey protein concentrates are available from the lower end concentrate of 29% to 89% total protein and also known as WPC 29 and WPC 89. They lower end are (29%- 50% approx) are majorly use for the prepared food, pre packaged stuff, baking, etc. Whereas higher end percentage is what you would typically find in nutritional industry being used as protein shakes. It is very important to understand your protein because there are cheap stuff being sold in market too.
According to Study (1), Interestingly enough, WPC-70 and WPC-80 (70% and 80% concentrations of protein, respectively) are the most common forms of whey proteins used within sports supplements industry. Although there are different reasons behind this but few includes the quality, taste and results of WPC-70 and WPC-80 comparative to their prices.
Now when we say WPC 70% has 70 gm of protein per 100gm then what does another 30% contains or for WPC 80% what another 20% contains? So, answer to this question is another 30% in WPC 70% or 20% in WPC 80% content is small amounts of fats, lactose and other bioactive components. Some people assume that higher the protein content the better it is, although there are many benefits to these fats and growth factors which are missed when removing them to make a more "pure" product. Whey Protein itself is known to have excellent amino acids profile and higher biological value.
- Hulmi. J. J, Lockwood.C .M, and Stout. J. R (2010), Effect of protein/essential amino acids and resistance training on skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A case for whey protein, Hulmi et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd, Open Access-
- Dr Dewit. J. N (2001), Lecturers handbook on whey and whey products, First Edition page 8-20, EWPA- European Whey products association.
- WPI is the result of further filtration and purification of WPC.
- Contains 90-95% Protein content by weight.
- Very easy to Digest.
- Expensive than WPC due to extra costs added during further filtrations
- It has little to no fat, or cholesterol.
- Best source for individual with lactose intolerance as it contain little to no lactose.
WPI contains 90%- 95% protein contents by weight. Once whey protein concentrate is made it is further filtered and purified to form whey protein isolate (WPI). It has little to no fat, or cholesterol which is removed during the process of further purification. Also WPI is good source of protein for individual with lactose intolerance as it contain little to no lactose. They are very easy to digest but because of an extra step taken to purification it add to extra costs and processes which make WPI more expensive than WPC. So, WPI is for you if you are looking for high protein, very small to no percentage of fat, lactose or cholesterol.
- Onwulata, C., & Huth, P. (2008). A Brief History. Whey processing, functionality and health benefits (page. 5-6). Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Whey of life (2013), Different types of whey Proteins, Accessed Source- Whey of life, protein types.
- Comparatively an advanced technique in whey protein production.
- Protein is hydrolyzed means it is split into smaller amino acids called whey peptides.
- Absorbed rapidly in comparison to another other amino acids and non hydrolyzed proteins
- Creates powerful response in blood amino acids and insulin level without injecting unnecessary calories or carbohydrates.
- Immediate Ingestion after post workout without giving bloating effects.
Whey protein hydrolyzed is comparatively an advance technique in whey protein production. Whey protein Hydrolyzed are also called Hydrolyzed whey peptides. So, when a protein is hydrolyzed it means that with the help of technological process, proteins have split into smaller amino acids called whey peptides (1, 2). Once protein has been hydrolyzed it mostly contains di-peptides and tri-peptides which can be absorbed rapidly comparatively to normal amino acids or more rapidly than a non hydrolyzed protein. (8, 9). But due to all these extra technological process there is an extra cost attached to this protein making it more expensive than other proteins.
Thus, consuming hydrolyzed protein in post-exercise drinks (and pre resistance exercise) results in creating powerful response in blood amino acids and insulin levels without having to inject large amount of unnecessary calories or carbohydrates. And another important practical advantage is one can ingest hydrolyzed protein supplement immediately after exercise without becoming bloated (6, 7). This helps stomach to sooner get ready for another meal without excessively losing the appetite after post workout hence increasing the anabolic state (muscle building).
- Bucci LR, Unlu L. (2010) Protein and amino acids supplements in exercise and sport. In: Wolinsky I, Driskell JA, eds. Energy-yielding macronutrients and energy metabolsim in sports nutrition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; Page 191-212.
- Adler-Nissen J. (1986), Enzymatic Hydolysis of Food Proteins. London: Elsevier;.
- Bennet WM, Connacher AA, Scrimgeour CM, Jung RT, Rennie MJ. (19901), Euglycemic hyperinsulinemia augments amino acid uptake by human leg tissues during hyperaminoacidemia. Am J Physiol. Page 259(2 Pt 1): 185-194.
- Ohe J, Low A, Wolfe RR, Rennie MJ. (2004), Human muscle protein synthesis is modulated by extracellular, not intramuscular amino acid availability: a dose-response study. J Physiol. Page 552(Pt 1):315-324.
- Van Loon LJ, Kruijshoop M, Verhagen H, Saris WH, Wagenmakers AJ. (2000), Ingestion of protein hydrolysate and amino acid-carbohydrate mixtures increases postexercise plasma insulin responses in men. J Nutr. Page- 130(10):2508-2513.
- Albet JA, MacLean DA, (2002), Plasma glucagon and insulin responses depend on the rate of appearance of amino acids after ingestion of different protein solutions in humans. J Nutr, Page 132(8):2174-2182.
- Grimble GK, Rees RG, Keohane PP, Cartwright T, Desreumaux M, Silk DB, (1987), Effect of peptide chain length on absorption of egg protein hydrolysates in the normal human jejunum. Gastroenterology. Page 92(1):136-142.
There have been too many studies which proved why we should take proteins. But let’s start from basic with "what if we don’t take complete required protein Diet" which will make you understand the current situation of your physical fitness.
- Lack of protein leads to tiredness and laziness in the body when you shouldn’t be tired.
- Makes you look weaker and flabby rather than stronger.
- Makes you weaker in any physical activity performance due to weak muscles strength. (For people who say that I am not able to achieve my fitness/sports/athletic goals so this may be due to lack of protein)
- Reduces the time of recovery and final results during and after physical activity because amino acids in protein help in muscles repair and growth and prepares your body for next best performance.
- Slows down the wounds healing process which gives more opportunities to infections.
- Slows down or prevents the absorption of many vitamins from food that we eat.
- Other general factor includes, thinning and brittle hair, Ridges in nails, Pale skin and skin rashes.
- Eitel. J, (2011), HOW COMMON IS PROTEIN DEFICIENCY?, Accessed Source-
- Asaf. S, (), Protein Deficiency Symptoms, Accessed Source Symptoms
- Harvard school of publication (2013), Protein: Moving Closer to Center Stage, Repair point, Published source-
- Makes you achieve your required physical posture and help’s you look stronger.
- Protein helps in repair, growth and maintenance of our broken muscle fibers during training which helps us to get prepared for next competitive level.
- Helps to boost metabolism which enhances the fat loss and brings better weight management.
- Strengthens your bones which are required for better performance in every fitness activity and sports like Weight training, cricket, football, athletics and more.
- Helps to make stronger muscle which holds your joints together properly to improve movement efficiency, prevent injury, and promote stability during any physical activity.
- Enhances the Immune system functioning specially for physically active person.
- Higher percentage of muscles and lower percentage of fat in body makes you more active, physically confident and less lazy.
- Increases muscle building response to resistance training making you ready for next best performance.
- Helps in production of antibodies that protects our body against diseases and infections.
- Helps to repair the body cells and tissues by breaking down the toxins.
- Protein helps in better healing of wounds, scars and replenishing of lost blood.
- Helps in better fitness, better self-confidence, healthy mind and emotionally stronger.
- Helps you to feel full for longer making you avoid irregular eating habits.
- Kohli. M (2011), How exercise boost confidence, Published Source-
- Marshall. K (2010), User's Guide to Protein and Amino Acids (Basic Health Publications User's Guide), Publisher, Page 26- 31.
- Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Military Nutrition Research (1999), The Role of Protein and Amino Acids in Sustaining and Enhancing Performance, Publisher- National Academies Press Page 48-52.
- Gilbala. M (2013), The Role of Protein in Exercise Recovery, Accessed Source-
- Studies (Tipton KD, Wolfe RR. (2004), Protein and amino acids for athletes. J Sports Sci Page- 22:65-79
- Rasmussen RB, Phillips SM. (2003), Contractile and nutritional regulation of human muscle growth. Exerc. Sport Sci. Rev. 31127- 31
All Proteins are not equal and every protein has its own benefits. Fast Protein, Intermediate Slow Proteins are determined on to the basic of speed of absorption of amino acids.
Fast Protein includes Whey Protein. These are the protein with amino acids which quickly gets absorbed into the blood stream or we can say faster release of amino acids from whey protein triggers protein synthesis. Studies suggest that higher percentage of Leucine content in whey which triggers the protein synthesis process leading to quick recovery and growth (1,2,3). Whey protein gets absorbed at the rate of 8-10 gm per hour which is note to be highest comparing to all other proteins.
Intermediate and Slow Proteins — Example includes Casein, Soy, milk and Egg Protein and have different absorption rates. These proteins are comparatively slow in absorption or slow release of amino acids into blood stream than the whey protein but they have their own benefits. Slower release amino acids inhibit protein breakdown in the hours following protein ingestion helping to repair muscles for longer hours.
Below is the graph, due to the complexities involved in measuring protein absorption the below graph provides a rough overview about different absorption rates of different proteins.
Protein | Absorption Rate (g/hour) |
Cooked Egg Protein | 2.9 |
Pea Protein | 3.5 |
Milk Protein | 3.5 |
Soy Protein Isolate | 3.9 |
Casein Isolate | 6.1 |
Whey | 8 - 10 |
- Dangin M, Boirie Y, Guillet C, Beaufrere B, (2002), Influence of the protein digestion rate on protein turnover in young and elderly subjects. J Nutr, 132(10):3228S-3233S.
- Tang JE, Moore DR, Kujbida GW, et al. (2009), Ingestion of whey hydrolysate, casein, or soy protein isolate: effects on mixed muscle protein synthesis at rest and following resistance exercise in young men, J Appl Physiol. Page 107:987–992.
- Hulmi JJ, Lockwood CM, Stout JR. (2012), Effect of protein/essential amino acids and resistance training on skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A case for whey protein. Nutrition & Metabolism, pp- 7:51-62.
- Mcdonald. L (2007), The Protein Book, Lyle McDonald Publishing, Page 7-19.
Protein is required by every individual whether into any workout training or not. As protein is a fuel for muscles to help them repair, grow and make them stronger so it is required by every individual from a baby to sports person to any sedentary individual (Somewhat Inactive).Only difference is the amount of intake required by different person. Person active into sports and fitness require more protein than a person who don’t workout for fitness.
"Are you an ordinary fitness individual, bodybuilder, runner, cricketer, footballer, wrestler, gymnast, boxer, hockey player, tennis player or any other sports person/athlete?"
EVERY ONE NEEDS PROTEIN but there are different answers to question "How much do I need" because this majorly depends on what your goal is? Intake of protein depends on your "Goals" because every goal has different level of physical activity, performance and results involved.
Bodybuilder usually takes more protein than a footballer, long runner or cricketer. Whereas a cricketer takes more protein than an ordinary sedentary men and women.
Bodybuilders looking for maximum muscles growth consume 1gm per lbs of body weight per day i.e (2.2gm per kg per day). But as they move to more professional level their consumption increases to 1.5-2gm per lbs per day.
Depending on goals and physical activity involved we have official guide for players estimated protein requirement in different sports and athletics. According to Burke and Deakin (2006) and Australian sports commission guide the table shows how much protein is needed for different athletes and sports players with different goals.
Able 1: Estimated protein requirements
Group | Protein intake (g/kg/day) |
Sedentary men and women | 0.8-1.0 |
Elite male endurance athletes | 1.6 |
Moderate-intensity endurance athletes (a) | 1.2 |
Recreational endurance athletes (b) | 0.8-1.0 |
Football, power sports | 1.4-1.7 |
Resistance athletes (early training) | 1.5-1.7 |
Resistance athletes (steady state) | 1.0-1.2 |
Female athletes | ~15% lower than male athlete |
(a) Exercising approximately four to five times per week for 45-60 min | |
(b) Exercising four to five times per week for 30 min |
Depending on your goals you find the right amount of protein needed per day and then multiply it by your body weight. Example if you are a footballer with average protein consumption of 1.5gm a day (from above table) and your weight is 70kgs. Then you consume 1.5×70= 105gms per day.
- Burke and Deakin, Clinical Sports Nutrition, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd, 2006
- Gov. Australian Sports Authority, Do athletes require more protein, Accessed Fact sheet-
- Fox. E, McDaniel. J, Breitbach. A and Weiss. E (2011), Perceived protein needs and measured protein intake in collegiate male athletes: an observational study, licensee BioMed Central Ltd, Publisher- Journal of International society of sports nutrition-
There are different occasions when your body needs and absorbs protein the most. It’s not that we cannot take protein anytime during a day or night but finding the right protein for right time is very critical for the best results and best performance. So it is very important to understand few basic.
Break is most important meal of the day with protein being a very critical component. In fitness industry we use a term "Window of opportunity" so as to provide the best nutrients during the time when our body needs them the most, and morning breakfast with long gap between meals and post workout are the best examples .
When we wake up in morning our body is hungry for the nutrients after the long wait for 6-8 hours full night of sleep and we call this as "Window of opportunity". So, during this "Window of opportunity" providing the needed healthy nutrients such as high protein is very important for muscle maintenance and rebuilding. Also whey protein shakes are considered to be the good choice for protein intake in morning because they are easy to digest and easy to make.
Pre workout is where you take protein before your workout. By taking protein before workout it helps amino acids to enter the bloodstream and automatically start doing their job of repairing the muscle tissues as soon as they start braking during the workout.
Now it is very important to understand that protein is not taken just 2 minutes before the workout because protein has still has not interacted or entered into blood stream of your body hence there will be no benefits of it during exercise. So it is recommended to take protein atleast an hour before the exercise. Whey protein is still considered to be the good option due to its quick digestion abilities.
The time window of 30-45 minutes after workout is very important for a good protein diet. Take it this way, after workout our body is staving for energy with damaged muscle tissues and looking for different sources of energy, so during this stage it absorbs nutrients more easily.
Exiting nutrients, enzymes and hormones in muscles are already in process of repairing and rebuilding the damaged muscles during workout, but adding protein helps to replenish the required nutrients to build, repair muscles and bones along with other body cells damaged during the workout.
Post workout protein shakes also provide a quick source of energy by replenishing glycogen stores lost during the workout. Carbohydrates, for example, are a primary source of energy and the carbohydrates in the protein shake "refuel" your body to replenish the energy stores in the skeletal muscles, liver and blood. Whey protein is still considered as the good source of post work out protein due to much easier digestion but combining it with other slow digesting protein such as Casein also helps in continous maintenance of muscles after workout.
But when we are sleep our muscles are still recovering so it is good idea to maintain protein levels throughout the time your body goes into a slight starvation mode. Casein which is also referred as time release protein is a good choice as night protein because it has much slower digestion rate helping to release the amino acids over a several hours during our night sleep. Other than this casein is also rich in glutamine and other amino acids which help to work better against the muscle breakdown.
Chart Which Protein to use and when-

- Tipton KD, Ferrando AA, Phillips SM, Doyle D Jr, Wolfe RR. Aprl (1999), Postexercise net protein synthesis in human muscle from orally administered amino acids, Am J Physiol. 276(4 Pt 1):E628-34.
- Anderson GH, Tecimer SN, Shah D, Zafar TA. (2004), "Protein source, quantity, and time of consumption determine the effect of proteins on short-term food intake in young men." Journal of Nutrition. 134(11):3011-5.
- Hoefs. J (2011), What Are the Benefits of Protein Shakes After a Workout?, Accessed from:-
- Belobrajdic DP, McIntosh GH, Owens JA, (2004) "A High-Whey-Protein Diet Reduces Body Weight Gain and Alters Insulin Sensitivity Relative to Red Meat in Wistar Rats." The Journal of Nutrition, 134:1454-1458.
- Avid S Weigle, Patricia A Breen, Colleen C Matthys, Holly S Callahan, Kaatje E Meeuws, Verna R Burden and Jonathan Q Purnell, (2005) "A high-protein diet induces sustained reductions in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake, and body weight despite compensatory changes in diurnal plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 82, No. 1, 41-48.
"Always read and understand the nutrition facts panel, It’s your right to know the true facts so that you pay for protein, not just for marketing".
It is very important to know "what amount of protein per serving size" is being served in a protein powder. Before you buy protein always check the nutrition fact panel to confirm amount of protein per serving size. Per serving size means the "nutrition fact panel" is prepared onto the basis of this serving size. Although this seems to be very obvious point but taking this step can help you always determine the true facts of the product. And many people ignore the fact assuming the most expensive products always contain more protein or all proteins are equal. Don’t make this mistake, always check the nutrition facts of product and make sure you pay for protein not just marketing.
Step1:- Read the Nutrition facts panel to see "how much protein in grams (gm)" is available in this powder.
Step2:-Read "what is the serving size" because the "Protein in grams" fact is calculated onto the basis of this Serving Size of protein powder.
Step3:- Now analyse to see "protein in grams" being served per "serving size".
As per "Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)" all the ingredients in a food supplement [,%202011.pdf page 32, point 2.2.2]
Should be listed in descending order of their composition by weight or volume or in simple terms it should be most to least abundant. So, this information should give you an indication that in a particular products "ingredients list" first mentioned ingredient is available in maximum quantity and the last ingredient is in the least quantity. Now understanding this information will always help you in shopping and comparing the two same price products and judge which product has more ingredient in more quantity.
For Example:- Two products are available for same price, but one contains greater amount of more expensive protein source (you’ve determined this because the expensive protein is listed ahead of cheaper protein source in the ingredient listing) and you now know that this particular product is higher in value that the other). So, it’s very important to read the order of ingredients in the ingredients list to determine the correct value of product.
Also don’t get fooled by any hyped names used in the product or the ingredient list by some companies. Example all good whey protein concentrates (WPC) made though ultra filtration process and contains microfractions like alpha beta lactoglobulin, glycomacropeptides, lactalbumin and lactoferrin and sodium chloride is another name of salt.
Don’t just focus on how much total product you are getting in a protein bag but rather calculate how much total protein you are getting in entire protein bag. Some companies fill the space will cheap not required filler to save cost which reduces the overall total protein in a protein bag. So, It is another important point to know how many total servings are being served in a particular protein bag of 1lbs, 2lbs, 5lbs or 10lbs but also more important to know how much total protein in there in a container. Compare simply by multiplying "number of servings" per protein bag by the "gram of protein" per serving. For Example - There are 28 servings in a protein bag [Net weight/Serving Size] and 23 gram protein per serving therefore 28 ×23= 644 grams of protein/protein bag. (This calculation is for protein powders but might not work for a weight gainer, post workout recovery powder or meal replacement as there is different ingredients such carbohydrates, fats, vitamin, etc. to achieve the particular goals.)
We want to work very transparently so we thought take more steps to give to give you an assurance that what is being said in label is also inside the product. To bring an extra assurance we use independent high regulatory labs to test all our products and to maintain quality. My fit fuel is responsible to provide the true tested certificate of analysis of each nutrition product you buy from us.
Buying protein is not a tough decision but buying the right protein is very important for results achieved to money spent.
As we never board a flight without knowing where its final destination is, same way you cannot work towards your fitness goal until and unless you are now clear on what your goals are. Are you just looking for fitness and build muscle? To reduce fat and stay lean? Or are you a cricketer, footballer, boxer, runner or any other sports player/athlete? Whatever your goals are selection of protein must be consistent to you goals and objectives.
Now as you have figured your will be your final goals now it’s important to understand how much protein do you need to achieve your goal’s.
Includes anyone looking to reduce fat and achieve lean muscles, looking to gain size and strength, professional bodybuilders, etc.
Anyone with above goals consumes 1gm per lbs of body weight per day i.e (2.2gm per kg per day). But as they move to more professional level their consumption increases to 1.5-2gm per lbs per day.
We have official guide for ordinary game, sports and athlete players. According to Burke and Deakin and Australian sports commission guide the table shows how much protein is needed for different athletes and sports players with different goals.
Able 1: Estimated protein requirements
Group | Protein intake (g/kg/day) |
Sedentary men and women | 0.8-1.0 |
Elite male endurance athletes | 1.6 |
Moderate-intensity endurance athletes (a) | 1.2 |
Recreational endurance athletes (b) | 0.8-1.0 |
Football, power sports | 1.4-1.7 |
Resistance athletes (early training) | 1.5-1.7 |
Resistance athletes (steady state) | 1.0-1.2 |
Female athletes | ~15% lower than male athlete |
(a) Exercising approximately four to five times per week for 45-60 min | |
(b) Exercising four to five times per week for 30 min |
Depending on your goals you find the right amount of protein needed per day and then multiply it by your body weight. Example if you are a footballer with average protein consumption of 1.5gm a day (from above table) and your weight is 70kgs. Then you consume 1.5×70= 105gms per day.
So once you calculate your daily required protein it is important to understand that this protein should be divided into 4-6 small meals a day for better absorption. If you are non vegetarian who eats a lot of meat, chicken, fish, egg etc on daily basis then you might require little less protein powder than a vegetarian who also eats healthy food but it contains less percentage of protein. So, to achieve your goals you need to calculate your daily intake so that you eat right amount of protein and other important nutrient.
There are different type of protein in market doing different function and are also priced differently. But it is very important to buy the best one as per your schedule of the day or your budget. Single source of protein are considered as the best source because they provide the precise benefits which you are looking after. For example whey protein is considered to be best for early morning and pre workout, recovery proteins with protein and carbohydrates are best for post workout, egg and soya protein with moderate digestion are chosen in between the meals where as Casein for the night time for slow time release of amino acids. With so many options you have to be practical whether you can afford all of these proteins, if yes then are you disciplined enough to follow the same routine every day?
If you can’t afford then buying a blended protein is the another best option for you. Proteins are blends do offer different qualities with different function such as fast, intermediate and slow proteins but cannot be competed with single source of protein.
Every one’s body is different but in order to see some positive results you need to continually and consistently stick with your protein(s) for at least 60 days. After this period, evaluate and if needed bring the changes by increasing or decreasing the protein, changing the source of protein or modifying your current intake plan to add another protein.
Branched chain amino acids (BCAA) are leucine, isoleucine, and valine so named because of their chemical structure. These are three amino acids which come under Essential amino acids (EAA) and EAA are the amino acids which our body cannot synthesize(produce) on its own therefore we must get adequate amounts through dietary sources.
BCAA makes up approximately 1/3 of skeletal muscle in the human body and they help to prevent fatigue and maintain muscle mass and strength during times of physical stress, including intense workouts.
The BCAAs reduce protein breakdown (i.e., catabolism) by stimulating the release of insulin. Insulin is an anabolic hormone usually associated with building various energy molecules in the body (e.g., glycogen and triglycerides). However, research has also shown that insulin plays a very important role in preventing the breakdown of muscle following periods of physical stress, such as after weightlifting and running, thereby preserving muscle mass.
BCAA contain Leucine which is considered to have anabolic profile (muscle building) and also activates the protein synthesis which makes our body to build protein and hard, dense muscle. There to get greatest benefits out of BCAA it is recommended to take good protein diet to support increase ability.
Exercise causes an increase in serotonin levels, which are believed to cause fatigue. But BCAAs are believed to reduce serotonin levels, and thus cancel out the fatigue and actually enhance exercise performance. So, BCAAs lower mental fatigue and keep one mentally sharp during prolonged endurance exercise
BCAAs are relatively safe and normally found in the protein in the diet. Excessive intake make reduce the absorption of other amino acids. (1)
- Bean. A, (2009), The Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition, Publisher- A&C Black, Page 67.
- Dunford. M, Doyle. J. A, (2007), Nutrition for Sport and Exercise, Cengage Learning, Page- 163
- Capadia. K, (2010) K11 Personal Trainer Manual (English), Publisher- K11 Fitness Academy, page 466
- Sedlak. M, Supplement 101, Branched chain amino acids, Article Source-
- Blomstrand E. (2001). Amino acids and central fatigue, Amino Acids. 20(1):25-34
- Smiga M, Kameishi M, Torii K. (2006). Exercise-dependent preference for a mixture of branched-chain amino acids and homeostatic control of brain serotonin in exercising rats, J. Nutr. Pp-136(2):548S-552S
Every protein has expiry date on their Protein bags or container. Generally in most cases two years from date of manufacturing is taken for expiry date if kept in required storage conditions. And it is important to store the protein in cool and dry place which helps to maintain quality of the protein.
Yes, but there are different factors attached to it, some includes their storage conditions and recipe ingredients used in preparation of different shake. Although it is always recommended to use the protein shake just after its preparation, but still for the best results protein once mixed should be stored properly in the refrigerator in a covered container and consumed within a day of preparation.
To get the best taste of protein it will always recommended to have the right ratio of liquid to protein. Whether you use blender, shaker cup or glass and spoon adding liquid first helps to determine the right liquid to protein ratio.
Depending on different recipes some smoothies taste better if the protein is pre mixed for 15-20 seconds before mixing with any recipe ingredients including peanut butter, fruits, and other ingredients.
Bioactive Components in Milk and Dairy Products edited by Young W. Park ]
Whey Proteins is the collective term being used for the different proteins found in the milk. As per Park. Y (2009) research these individual proteins found in whey benefits in different manners and information on these can be found below.
Beta-lactoglobulin is the most abundant whey protein component making up approximately 50 – 55% of the whey proteins. Beta-lactoglobulin provides an excellent source of the essential and branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). BCAAs help prevent muscle breakdown and spare glycogen during exercise.
Alpha-lactalbumin is the second most abundant whey protein component, making up approximately 20 – 25% of the whey protein. Alpha-lactalbumin is high in tryptophan, an essential amino acid, with potential benefits for increased serotonin production, sleep regulation, and mood improvement under stress. Alpha-lactalbumin is also the major protein found in human milk.
Glycomacropeptide (GMP) is a casein derived 64-amino acid peptide that is formed in the process of making cheese, and makes up 0 – 15% of the whey protein, depending on the process of concentrating/isolating the whey protein. GMP may help control and inhibit the formation of dental plaque and dental caries. GMP may also have satiety benefits.
Immunoglobulins are proteins made by the immune systems to combat certain antigens. Immunoglobulins provide immunity enhancing benefits to infants and others. Immunoglobulins make up approximately 10 – 15% of the whey protein.
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) is a major protein found in blood serum and occurs in all body tissues and secretions. BSA is a large sized protein with a good essential amino acid profile. BSA makes up approximately 5 – 10% of the whey protein.
Lactoferrin is an iron binding globular glycoprotein and makes up approximately 1 – 2% of the components in whey protein. Lactoferrin inhibits growth of bacteria and fungi due to its ability to bind iron.
Lactoperoxidase is a glycoprotein and makes up approximately 0.5% of the whey protein. Lactoperoxidase is a natural antibacterial agent.
Lysozyme is an enzyme naturally present in milk and makes up less than 0.1% of the whey protein. Lysozyme contains immunity enhancing properties.
- Park. Y. W (2009), Bioactive Components in Milk and Dairy Products, Publisher- John Wiley & Sons, Page- 142-156.
If you are lactose intolerant then there are few things which you need to remember. Whey Protein and Casein are made up of milk which contains lactose. But there is an extra process of filtration involved in whey protein isolate over whey protein concentrate which helps to remove the maximum lactose. You can (and always should) also check the nutrition label of the supplement products that list zero carbs, or less than 2 grams per scoop, have barely any lactose at all.
Another alternative to whey protein is Soya Protein, Pea protein and Egg Protein which are lactose fee (but must check label for other additives which could contain lactose). Casein should always be avoided because they are not filtered and processed as whey protein isolate to remove lactose.
- 1. Lee. S. W (2005), Why Does a High-Protein Diet Increase Urine Output?, Article Source-
- 2. Martin. W. F, Armstrong. L. E, and Rodriguez. N, R (2005), Dietary protein intake and renal function, Open Journal source-
This is one of the biggest misconceptions that protein powders are un-natural. Some people consider using protein powders as "cheating". Other people are scared to take them in case they might get some kind of side effects. It is very important to know the manufacturing process of whey protein powders.
Process 1:- Whey protein powders are extracted through different filtration process from milk and dairy products which we consume on daily basis in our regular diets. So they are powdered nutrients which cannot be more natural.
Process 2:-In above natural whey protein powder companies add different additives to bring better taste, digestion and protein synthesis. Now these are well researched by some companies and some just add the great sounding artificial instant benefiting additives which lead to breaking the customer trust on natural supplements.
So, it is very important and we always recommend you to check label before you buy. Not only this we at Myfitfuel™ work very hard with testing Labs and on our controlled supply channel so as to not allow anyone else take benefit of adding any of these artificial instant benefiting additives.
This has always been the centre point of discussion among the new or non users of protein supplements. It is very important to know that you need protein to maintain and repair your muscles but it is technically true that you don’t need to have the protein supplement to reach you fitness goals. It is possible to become fit and build muscles with a diet specifically tailored to the goals you are trying to accomplish.
But the reality is depending on your fitness goals it could require you to eat a wide variety of foods and more consumption than you are used to, which can be very difficult for someone living with tight, unbalanced or busy schedule. Protein powders are a combination of these natural required amino acids which helps in the same function making you to have protein shakes which makes life easier. So due to these reasons they have been the most preferred choice among many sports and fitness individuals.
- (1) Chandan. R, Kilara. A, Shah. N, Dairy Processing and Quality Assurance, Publisher- Wiley-Blackwell, Page-344.
Whenever anyone is suggested for taking protein their instant reaction is Ohh "I don’t want to become big and muscular" or "I don’t want big arms like Arnold". Well if this was the case then every long run sports Olympian, swimmer or every fitness model must have been like Arnold, but this is not the case.
Muscles are made of proteins and protein is needed to maintain and grow them. You don’t recognize that on our regular diet like milk, meat, soya, egg etc you are already consuming protein but this might not be enough depending on our goals. Whereas these whey proteins are nothing but same natural nutrients compressed through filtrations to make it easy to consume the protein diet specially in tight and busy schedules. We break our muscle tissues on our everyday physical and fitness activity and protein amino acids helps to work as anabolic (muscle tissue building and repair) and catabolic (maintenance).
Every athlete and individual needs protein whether normal fitness goals individual, sports players including endurance athlete or strength athlete. So, Protein itself never makes you massive only difference is certain type of exercise stimulates the muscle growth such as weight lifting and bodybuilding, but then it again comes back to theory how much protein should be consumed depending on your goals and physical activity to repair, grow o maintain muscles (Read our section "How much should I take?")
- Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Military Nutrition Research (1999), The Role of Protein and Amino Acids in Sustaining and Enhancing Performance, National Academies Press, Page 48-52.
- Khimiji. D, Capadia. K , K11 Fitness Academy K11 Sports Nutrition Manual (English) , Publisher- K11 Fitness Academy, Page –24:25
- Houston, Michael. (1992). Protein and Amino Acid Needs of Athletes. Publisher - Nutrition Today. Page- 27, 36-38.
- McCarthy, Paul. (1989). How Much Protein Do Athletes Really Need? Physician and Sports Medecine, Page- 17: 173-175.
Protein intake is considered to compliment fat loss process because protein helps to build Lean muscle mass which increases the metabolism rate of our body leading to more calories of fat burned every hour. So, take it this way higher is the muscle mass lower will be the calories of fat stored in our body.
Protein powders do itself has calories in small number (written on labels) like any other carbohydrate foods but body fat increases depending on the higher consumption of total calories intake over daily required intake (Which is different for everyone depending on weight, height, physical activity, etc).
According to research and test study done by professor in medicine and researcher George Bray, MD, on low, medium and high protein group, he concluded that low protein group gained the least lean muscle mass and the calories burned while at rest did not increase. Whereas in medium and high protein group there was higher lean muscles growth and higher calories burned while at rest due to increased metabolism. And there is a simple philosophy, higher is the calories of fat burned less will be the fat stored in our body.
- Dohney K (2012). Bottom Line: Overeating Boosts Fat, Whatever the Protein Level. Weight loss and diet plans, Article source-
- Adamfio.N (2005), Integration And Control of Metabolism, Publisher- iUniverse , Page 97: 102-106.
Some people believe only drinking protein shake will give them a complete magic solution to achieve their goals and they don’t need to eat anything else.
Protein is just one nutrient which helps in better fitness but intake of only protein will never helps you achieve your goals. Muscles plays vital role in improving your fitness but they are not the only contributory to performance because there are many other nutrients and elements such as carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fats which also plays a vital role.
Carbohydrates: - Carbohydrates are considered as one most important nutrient for sports performance because they are the most efficient fuel for energy production specially during exercise.
Fats: - Fats are normally considered as something that we should stay away from but some fats are goods providing energy and essential fatty acids to your body. They also help your body use vitamins and move substances in and out of cells and keep your brain, nervous system, and skin healthy. If the event lasts more than an hour, the body may use mostly fats for energy.
Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients as they perform 100’s of roles in the body. They help build strong bones, heal wounds, and bolster your immune system. They also convert food into energy, and repair cellular damage and much more.
- Dunford. M, Doyle. J. A, (2011), Nutrition for Sport and Exercise, 2nd ed. Publisher- Cengage Learning Page 146
- Williams. C, Devlin. J. T (1992), Foods, Nutrition, and Sports Performance: An International Scientific: An International Scientific Concensus, Held 4-6 February, 1991 and Organized by Mars, Incorporated with International Olympic Committee Patronage, Publisher- E & F N SPON, Page 95-103.
This is another big misconception among few people that consuming protein for a short period of time will give them get the results looking like Arnold. "NO" protein is not a steroid, protein is required in daily diet to build better muscles posture. Muscles takes little time to get in better shape after the daily supply of protein is kept as required. Results like muscles growth are not just seen by only consuming the protein, it is also required to do the right amount and type of workout depending on your goal such as sports performance or bodybuilding.
Although taking protein during the right period of time during the workout day (such as early morning or post workout) helps to bring better results. But this does not means that protein should not be consumed on a day when you are off from workout. Only difference is on the off day the consumption of overall protein can be reduced. Example if an athlete consuming 1.5 gram of protein per kg bodyweight on workout day should consume minimum of 0.8-1.0 gm/kg body weight on off day. (Minimum 0.8-1.0gm/kg is recommended to individual not into exercise). So, consuming the minimum recommended amount of required protein will still help to fuel your muscles and help them to repair better.
Even a child is recommended to take protein by doctors so as to help child have better muscle growth during his/her childhood. Many food items like milk, chicken, soya bean etc. contains protein and we take them indirectly through these sources of foods. Not taking the right amount of protein will affect the strength of our muscles and make them weaker, bring more tiredness and less activeness in the body. Whereas consuming right amount of protein with less fat will help your body structure to grower stronger but will also help you to look smarter. So, you still need minimum amount of protein in daily diet even if you are not physically active as sports person or a bodybuilder who require more amount of protein in daily diet.
According to Burke and Deakin (2006) and Australian sports commission guide, a Sedentary men and women (somewhat inactive) should consume minimum of 0.8-1.0gm/kg of protein everyday.